Sunday, March 18, 2012
About Me
- Name: Tom Perkins
- Location: NW Va
Molon Labe "Take them." The reply of Leonidas Rex to the Persian Emperor after he demanded the Spartans lay down their arms at Thermopylae, an epithet adopted by the 2nd amendment adherents in the United States. *** Montani semper liberi "Mountaineers Are Always Free" The motto of my home state, West Virginia. *** Para fides paternae patria. "For our faith in the Founders faith" Expressing solidarity with the Enlightenment, especially in its original, individualist political meaning.
Previous Posts
- The absurdity of supporting Mitt Romney.It was res...
- I may have been blocked by Roger Simon at PJMedia ...
- Bride of Rove could use some schooling on topic of...
- The absurdity of Walter Shapiro.Just to cherry pic...
- I believe I am banned from Samizdata. Or in any c...
- Here's someone I think is obviously not thinking t...
- Comment taken from the Volokh Conspiracy, made in ...
- On Bloggingheads, David Frum tells us that Obama i...
- Via Instapundit, this is so obvious it should neve...
- The military must not face book.Says Bob Owens in ...
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